What is MPN on eBay?

what is MPN on eBay

If you are one in the thousands of eBay sellers who are currently active on the marketplace, there are several terms and acronyms that you need to know that are involved in the selling process. One of these terms is the MPN on eBay. To help you with managing your online database of products, tracking inventory, and managing your eBay listings, it is important to know what an MPN on eBay is and what it means.

Introduction to eBay Product Identifiers

There are many product identifiers on eBay that sellers must know about and be familiar with. A product identifier is also known as a universal product code. The product identifiers on eBay are designed to help eBay sellers to identify specific products or product details on the e-commerce platform. The eBay seller central notes that using a product identifier helps to accelerate the search for the product on eBay’s search engines.

Given that millions of products are added to the eBay online database of products regularly, it can be overwhelming to search for a particular item amidst the millions of others on the platform. Therefore, having the correct product details and a product identifier will speed up the search. A product title might not always produce the exact search result since there are many similarities on the title for product listings.

The MPN number on eBay is just one of many product identifiers and if you want to identify products or product categories. The labels, therefore, enable users and sellers to identify, track, and manage these items.

What is MPN on eBay?

MPN is an acronym that stands for Manufacturer Part Number. The exact MPN is a series of codes that are created by the manufacturers to identify products internally. Over time, the MPN on eBay is also used to identify a particular item from thousands of other similar ones. The MPN number is also used by installers and other service providers to ensure that they have the correct item or part for a specific use or application.

MPN on eBay is not the same as the model name or number for a particular product listing. It is also not your typical product identifier. The exact MPN does not have uniform length or format. Currently, there is no existing standard on how the MPN is created or used. It could be similar or the same with other manufacturers.

But when used alongside the product name, the MPN can serve as a unique product identifier on eBay. The reliability of using MPNs will be relative to the internal processes used by the manufacturer to identify active product listings.

Benefits of MPN on eBay for eBay Sellers

benefits of using MPN

Why does it help to incorporate the MPN to your eBay listings? eBay has long contemplate using a catalog-based approach in their selling environment. This is when using the MPN number is helpful to identify products and manage your eBay catalog. There are several benefits to a universal product code like an MPN number to your eBay listings.

Maximum Exposure of Products

Using MPN on eBay enable buyers find your products on the eBay platform via search engines. Using product identifiers in your product listings enable sellers to have their products shown in the Best Match results on eBay when a user searches for matching products. The more exposure your product listings get, the higher your chances of landing a sale.

Adding MPN on eBay and other eBay product identifiers can automatically qualify you to receiving alerts on trending prices. Therefore, you will learn when a particular item drops its price and you can get them for a lower price to maximize profits.

Competitive Pricing

Another important benefit of using manufacturers list identifiers on your product listings is that you can get advice on price guide. eBay can provide you with pricing guidelines so you can price your items competitively while making sure that you can earn profits.

Adding the MPN and other product identifiers on your eBay catalog also increase the chances of your product being featured in the ‘Our Pick’ section. This section is where eBay generates other products that can be used together with matching products that a buyer is looking to get. For example, if a buyer is looking for a dress, the eBay algorithm recommends other products that a buyer can potentially get to use with that product.

Improved Rankings on Search Engines

Product listings that come with product identifiers rank higher on the eBay search engines (or in other search engines) than those without it. Therefore, this extra step in tweaking your existing listings or future eBay listings can go a long way in maximizing your product exposure online. For example, you have the chance to be featured on the Google shopping results for a relevant search or when prospect buyers compare products online.

MPN on eBay vs Other Product Identifiers

MPN vs other identifiers

MPN is one of the most notable eBay product identifiers. However, it is not the only one that eBay sellers must know about. The following is a detailed description of the various codes and identifiers to aid in the selling process, tracking inventory, and other item specifics.

SKU (Stock Keeping Units)

SKU or Stock Keeping Units is a scannable code that enable automatic tracking inventory for sellers. It can appear as a bar code or QR code. It usually consists of eight alphanumeric digits. It is used by sellers to determine the stock levels for existing listings and product categories.

UPC (Universal Product Code)

The Universal Product Code is also a barcode printed on the label of a particular product. The UPC is used to identify trade items during the point of sale. You can also use the code to identify the item specifics, such as the color, brand, or size.

EAN (European Article Number)

The European Article Number is another one of the product identifiers but this one is intended for Europe. It is similar to the UPC in the USA or Canada. This standardized bar code is required for eBay sellers that wanted to sell internationally, such as in eBay Europe.

GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)

The Global Trade Item Number is an identifier that is intended for non-profit organizations. It is designed for business communication. The GTIN is one of those product identifiers developed under international standards.

Final Thoughts: What is MPN on eBay?

Adding the exact MPN number on eBay might be an extra step for sellers to consider in their eBay catalog. However, the extra step in adding product identifiers is worthwhile because it provides you with significant advantage over other product listings that do not have them.

Hopefully, this guide on the different product identifiers will enable you to distinguish the purpose and application for each one.

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