What Is Amazon Choice vs Best Seller

what is amazon choice vs best seller

Since Amazon began in 1995, its primary aim has been to be the world’s most customer-focused company and a secure online marketplace to work and purchase products on the internet, though it started with selling only books.

With this goal in mind and Amazon sellers’ ambition to build a product brand, the journey led to the launching of Amazon badges in 2015.

The Amazon badge was introduced to provide important and reliable product results for potential buyers and boost sellers’ sales volume and brand recognition.

Moreover, the Amazon choice and best-sellers are two badges most Amazon sellers crave to have. And while the badges are not so easy to earn, it’s not as hard as you think especially after reading this article!

We’ll go through the nitty-gritty of getting these badges, the differences, and the great benefits to your brand.


What Is The Amazon Choice Badge?

how to earn amazon choice badge

You may think Amazon is impartial but the marketplace recommends specific products for buyers, and that’s what the Amazon choice badge represents.

The Amazon Choice, as you may have seen in the upper left corner of a product feature image or beneath a product title on a listing page, is a digital emblem Amazon assigns to products in a specific keyword that is highly rated in sales.

According to research conducted by Profitero, items with the “Amazon’s Choice” badge were exposed to twice as much traffic as those without the badge.

Every minute, customers are searching for one particular product using Amazon’s Alexa voice or just surfing the marketplace. With millions of users base to brag about, Amazon would only recommend products of high quality and competitive price tags.

Sellers who wish to have the badge will have to earn it as Amazon’s Algorithm assigns the badge. Though there are no specific measures of how the algorithm gives the choice badge, they are common requirements sellers should check out of their list.

For instance, Amazon wouldn’t highlight a product that isn’t selling, has bad customer reviews and isn’t available for immediate shipping.


What Is Amazon Best Seller Badge

As the name implies, the Amazon bestseller badge is a recognition of the best-selling products in a category. The coveted best seller badge is the small orange icon you see on product search results or listings.

Though Amazon started by assigning the badge to only one product in the best seller rank, Amazon now enlists 100 bestselling products with the badge. Having the best seller badge gives you more recognition as a seller and helps customers make a quick buying decision.


Amazon Choice vs Best Seller

Amazon choice and bestseller are very similar badges, but they represent different things in the marketplace.



  • The Amazon algorithm assigns both the Amazon choice and best seller badges to sellers.
  • Amazon launched both the choice and best seller badges to help sellers build a well-meaning brand.
  • Both Amazon badges help sellers reach a large audience and increase sales rates.



  • Sellers on top of a particular keyword search result earn the Amazon choice badge while popular products with the highest sales in a specific category earn the Amazon Bestseller badge.
  • Amazon SEO affects the choice badge since it is associated with having a popular product keyword. The Amazon best-seller, on the other hand, is related to your sales data— you just have to keep selling your products to a wider audience. A high volume of sales will automatically enlist among the Best Sellers Rank for your category.
  • Amazon’s best seller badge is given to 100 top sellers of a product category, that is, few sellers get the badge. However, Amazon’s choice allows lots of products with the badge. It’s not based on category and the list may be more than 100.
  • Ultimately, SEO is what decides which products get the Amazon’s Choice label, while sales velocity of a product determines who earns the Best Seller badge.


You may see lots of products with the Amazon choice badge and fewer with the best seller badge in a category.

Potential buyers can easily discover products with the Amazon choice badge faster and are more inclined to buy the products. Amazon’s choice highlight products the algorithm sees their customers should prefer, based on similar shopping experience from other buyers.


1. Amazon FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon)

Amazon considers products with a fast shipping process. And a great way to ease delivery is by using the Amazon FBA.

Amazon FBA enables Amazon Prime Eligibility which provides sellers with quick product delivery and outstanding user experience.


2. Amazon FBA vs Amazon FBM

Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) and Amazon Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM) are both fulfillment options for all Amazon sellers. It means you either pay Amazon to take care of your shipping orders or you do the work yourself.

The FBA fulfillment option means you pay Amazon to handle all your shipping orders while the FBM program means you take full responsibility for their shipping processes.

Amazon charge sellers FBA fulfillment fee for both standard-size and oversized package. Standard size costs $2.70 to $5.58 and oversized package costs between $8.66 to $138.11.

Interestingly, you’ll get instant eligibility for Amazon prime and a secure and fast shipping process, giving you a chance to earn the Amazon choice badge.


3. Product listings optimization

It’s necessary to optimize all your listings with the right keyword searches. Write a well-detailed description for your products and add relevant keywords buyers are likely to search for.

Do not stuff keywords. Follow amazon’s keyword search policy. There are long tail keywords you can target using research tools for your category based on recent popular keywords or customer experience.


4. Good Customer Review And Ratings

Amazon checks customers’ reviews about your products and if you have a good record, you are more likely to earn the Amazon choice badge. This strategy goes down to the quality of your product, fast delivery, and easy communication.


5. Pricing

With millions of sellers in the same marketplace, you have to adopt competitive pricing.

Moreover, your products must be available for sale and immediate shipping. Once your products get the choice badge, it means that you have passed the algorithm quality test and have automatic access to more customer base.

Also, Third-party Amazon sellers can earn the Amazon Choice Badge on their products, thereby gaining more visibility and trust.



How To Earn The Best Seller Badge?

how to earn the best seller badge

In the e-commerce world, online shoppers are always critical of who they buy from, so you have to gain their trust. It all starts with having a specified category you wish to dominate.

Interestingly, earning the best seller badge gives buyers a good impression of your products and they are more likely to buy from you. That’s the confidence your potential buyers need!


1. Product popularity and sales

The Amazon Best Seller badge changes hourly and it is mainly based on your sales rate in a specific category. So you have to keep up your product popularity and sales volume to get the badge.


2. Customer feedback

Indeed, your customer feedback and other factors may not have much to do with earning the badge, you should keep your account spotless. Customer feedback helps to also build brand visibility and trust, which in the end boosts your sales.


3. Keyword Research

When buyers search for a particular product, you are most like to come up in the first search result if you use the right keyword for your listing.

Therefore, when creating your product listing, you have to make use of relevant keywords customers are searching for. And while some sellers might make use of short-tail keywords, long-tail keywords are most suitable.

This will help you to scale your business and likely earn the best-seller badge from the customers you get.


4. Shipping experience

Amazon FBA users are also more likely to get good shipping experiences from their customers since Amazon does all the work! And if you are sure you can personally handle your shipping experience, you are good to go.


5. Sales Strategies

You can choose to advertise your product on Amazon or offer discounts on your products. It will help you to attract more customer base and increase your sales rate.

However, ensure your pricing is competitive and create a working strategic plan for your Amazon business.


Benefits of Amazon Best Seller Badge

  • Rank High On Product Category

The best sellers badge differs with every category. The top best sellers in the clothing category are different from the best sellers in the electronics category. Hence, more space to compete and be enlisted in the Best Sellers Rank (BSR).

  • Product visibility

Once you earn the best seller badge, your product will automatically gain more audience. You’ll frequently appear in buyers’ search results, gaining so much visibility.

  • More revenue

More visibility with the best-seller badge means more revenue. Besides, the badge is assigned based on product popularity and sales. So you’ll put in more work to keep increasing your sales.


Benefits of Amazon choice badge

  • Brand visibility

Earning the Amazon choice badge will draw more attention to your listings. Amazon will keep suggesting your products to buyers, thereby, increasing your visibility.

  • Increased Sales

As potential buyers browse different listings available on the Amazon marketplace, a recommendation from Amazon will surely quicken their buyer’s journey. You’ll also have the advantage of increased organic traffic.

  • Brand Trust

Customers will want to buy from popular products they can trust, and the Amazon Choice Badge is a way to build your credibility and brand trust.

  • Fewer competitors

The Amazon choice badge separates you from other buyers in your category. And will help to increase buyers’ confidence in your brand.


How long do Amazon Choice And Best Seller Badge Last?

The Amazon best seller badge refreshes every hour and if your sales rate is already beaten by other sellers in your category or sub-category, the badge will be removed and you will have to earn it again.

The Amazon best seller badge doesn’t expire or have a duration. Since you have to reach a high sales history and popularity to earn the badge, you could retain it for a month or more if you keep your high sales volume.

Sale more than others, and keep being at the top!

It’s the same for Amazon Choice Badge. You earn the Amazon choice badge by dominating a product keyword search, so to retain it, you have to keep optimizing your listing for relevant keywords to rank high on product search results.

Amazon Choice and best seller badges do not have a duration and can be lost at any time.



There you have it! All you need to know about Amazon Choice and Best Seller and the strategies you need to increase your chance of earning the badge.

Having an Amazon badge is not a major determining factor for your success, but getting the badge will help you to build a well-recognizable brand with a huge customer base, increase your sales, and rank your products.

According to recent research, Amazon’s choice boosts product sales by nearly 200%.

You can choose to go for either one of the badges in the different categories you have your products listed.

It’s possible to earn it, and without a doubt, the Amazon badge is a great way to level up your business and position yourself for more revenue.


Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Can I Have Both Amazon Best Seller And Choice Badge?

If you see an Amazon seller choice product, it’s not possible to also have the #1 best seller badge. However, Amazon promotes products with the Choice badge on the first-page search results.

In addition, you can have a product in a category or sub-category with the Best Seller Badge and have another product in another category having the best choice badge.


Can Sellers Pay to Get Amazon Badges?

It’s not possible to pay to get Amazon badges. The Amazon algorithm assigns these badges to sellers based on different factors.

However, there are measures to take to increase your chance of earning the badge; like increased sales rate and product popularity, pricing, good customer reviews, and relevant keyword optimization.


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