Multiple eBay Accounts: Can I Have More Than One Account on eBay

eBay Multiple accounts

As you begin to build your eBay business, it’s only natural that you want to expand your business and make more sales. If you’re thinking about scaling your eBay business and getting more from the platform, you might be asking yourself if you have multiple eBay accounts?

And how would that work anyway?

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about managing multiple eBay accounts: benefits, how they work, and how to make sure they are all safe and secure.

Can I Have Multiple eBay Accounts?

It is possible to have multiple eBay accounts. You should, however, be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of opening multiple eBay accounts.

According to eBay, one of the most important requirements for having numerous accounts is that you follow the proper guidelines. Multiple accounts are allowed as long as they do not conflict with eBay’s rules, policies, or other aspects.


Benefits of Multiple eBay Accounts

eBay multiple accounts benefits


Some of the most common reasons why people have multiple eBay accounts include:

  • To Manage Multiple Stores or Businesses: For example, if you run a small business that sells different types of merchandise at different times during the year, with each season requiring its own marketing efforts and style of presentation, then having multiple accounts can help keep these things separate while still allowing them all to benefit from being on eBay’s site and listing tools.


  • To Sell Different Types of Items: Another reason why sellers might have multiple accounts is that they have different interests or different types of products being sold online at the same time. Having multiple accounts allows them to sell items from different categories without having to worry about missing out on potential buyers by focusing on just one category at a time or losing out on sales due to limited inventory space.For example, if you sell both books and DVDs on eBay, then it could be useful to have one account for each type of product. This allows you to keep track of inventory and sales data for each product.


  • To Manage Personal and Business Accounts Separately: For example, you can sell different types of items on one account, while using another to buy items for resale.


  • To Track Effective Strategies: Multiple accounts allow you to track the performance of each account separately. By looking at their performance in your My eBay page’s Account Summary, you can see how much profit you’re making from each one.


  • To Increase Your Store Limits: Every new eBay account starts out with ten listings. When you are opening a new eBay store, you can start out higher if your previous store is in good standing. Creating a seller account to arbitrarily increase your selling limit is frowned on by eBay. However, you can ask eBay to increase your selling limits as long as your reason for creating a new account is legitimate.


  • To Serve as Backup: You’ll always have a backup account if needed. If your primary account has issues that prevent it from operating, you can use one of your other accounts to continue selling on eBay until the problem is resolved.Having multiple accounts also gives you better control over your listings and sales. If one account gets banned by eBay, then all of your listings will be gone forever. Multiple accounts provide a measure of safety and protection against the vagaries of selling on eBay.But what should you consider when building multiple eBay accounts?


PRO TIP: Want to know how to create multiple eBay accounts the safe way? Check out our eBay Stealth guide here


Things to Consider When Creating Multiple eBay Accounts

There are certain factors to put in mind when creating multiple eBay accounts. These include:

1. eBay Regulations

eBay has detailed its policy on multiple eBay accounts in an article titled, “Multiple accounts policy.” The main takeaways from the post are:

    • eBay doesn’t allow sellers to create multiple accounts to circumvent selling limits or account suspensions.
    • You can use your accounts in any way you choose, as long as you follow eBay’s policy guidelines.
    • Each account should be managed efficiently to provide the utmost customer satisfaction and meet eBay’s seller standards.
    • Sellers with prior account issues are expected to resolve them before opening new accounts.


2. eBay Linked Accounts

eBay will link all your accounts if it’s registered with the same name, home address, or IP address. If for any reason, one of your eBay accounts gets suspended or banned, the rest will be affected as well.

So how do you keep your accounts safe? Unless you want to pick up the habits of privacy-obsessed wonks, you should keep each seller account in check and ensure that all customer inquiries are handled promptly.


3. Avoid Duplicate Listings

eBay doesn’t allow a single seller to create multiple listings of the same product, regardless of whether they’re in one store or multiple. Since all of the accounts are linked together, eBay sees it as one big store.

Therefore, it is better to avoid creating duplicate listings of the same item.


4. Email Address

You cannot use the same email address for more than one account. That means you need to create a new email address for each eBay account you create. You can however use the same financial information/banking details as in your other account.


5. Suspensions and Seller Limits

If your purpose for creating a new eBay account is to sidestep a suspension on your former account, don’t bother. eBay links accounts that share the same name, home address, and/or IP address.

If eBay catches the smallest hint of a connection between your new account and the old one, they will apply the same restrictions to the new one.


6. Cross-Promotion Isn’t Allowed

eBay does not allow sellers to promote products on another store using another. This means you can’t link to your new stores from your old stores or vice versa. You can only link to goods or categories from within the same store.


Tips on Managing Multiple Accounts on eBay

Managing multiple eBay accounts can be a bit tricky but the following strategies can make the ride less bumpy.


1. Automate Order Management:

If you manage multiple eBay accounts, there’s a good chance you’ll have to juggle a lot of different things at once. For example, you might need to log out of one account and log in to another just to check on orders.

That can get pretty tedious.

Then, there are the different responsibilities to handle and the different customers to take care of all while marketing and promoting your stores and listings.

Numerous third-party tools such as SkuVault and ChannelGrabber exist to help you manage orders across multiple accounts. These tools help you track your order completion status and ensure that orders are fulfilled on time.

Also, make sure your employees know how to handle orders from each store and that no orders are ignored.


2. Use Inventory Management Software

Managing inventory and stock levels across several accounts can be challenging. So, it’s advisable to have an automated inventory management system in place to help your business run as smoothly as possible.

You can use a multi-channel syncing app like Nembol or Putler that lets you sync all your different accounts. This allows you to have access to all of your sales and listings in one place and provides further information such as what items are available in each account, which items are currently sold out in which store, how certain products are performing, and what current trends to take advantage of.


3. Outsource Shipping and Order Fulfillment

The ultimate goal in an eBay retail business is driving sales. Multiple accounts naturally mean an increased number of orders that need to be fulfilled.

There are a number of services such as Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) that take off the burden of fulfilling product orders by yourself and do it for you instead. Outsourcing fulfillment allows you to focus on other important parts of the business.



Now that you know the important guidelines and eBay’s policies concerning multiple accounts, you’re all set to create multiple eBay stores.

Keep in mind that multiple, poorly run stores will not yield any profit and will likely result in a loss for your business. So, regardless of the number of stores you run, observe excellent seller practices and ensure a high degree of customer satisfaction.

Also, a big part of selling on eBay is knowing what to sell and when to sell it. You could observe trends in Google Search or make guesses about what will be popular at a certain time.

Or even better, you could use a leading market and product research tool like Zik Analytics to evaluate product ideas and see how your competitors are performing.

You can get started with Zik Analytics here.



What are The Two Types of Accounts on eBay?

You can open two different types of accounts on eBay – personal and business. A personal account is best for a single, casual retailer who wants to sell off some personal items.

Business accounts are intended for retailers who plan to sell items in large quantities, work on eBay full-time, or are selling off products they’ve made themselves.

Opening a business account on eBay requires more information such as business name, type, and address unlike opening a personal account.


Can You Have Two eBay Accounts With the Same Email?

As previously indicated, you cannot have several eBay accounts using the same email address. However, eBay does not impose such a restriction when it comes to payment information.

As a result, the same payment information can be linked to many eBay accounts.

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