How To Reactivate My Amazon Seller Account

how to reactivate my amazon seller account

Whether you are back from a long break or Amazon noticed a breach in their policies and suspended your seller account, you have to reactivate it to continue using the marketplace.

Without a doubt, Amazon cares for its millions of customer base and protects them by implementing stringent policies they should follow for safe buying and selling processes.

Amazon doesn’t just suspend accounts unless there is a reason, and if you have invested so much in your Amazon business before a suspension, this article will help you make your account active again and get back to business. Let’s get started!


What Does It Mean For Amazon To Suspend Seller Account?

Account suspension on Amazon is a corrective measure to secure customers’ satisfaction and experience, and also prevent unsafe products on the marketplace.

Suspended amazon seller account is a red sign for your business and means you won’t be able to get back to your day-to-day Amazon sales.

As soon as your account is identified for suspension, you may lose your whole inventory, rendering it impossible for customers to make purchases from you. Amazon customer service will send you a notice asking you to create a Plan Of Action depending on your offense, to not lose your selling privileges.

Also, sellers are expected to reply to the notification within 72 hours.

Therefore, you will have to complete any transaction that is already in progress, and if you have to obtain certain money, you’ll have the time to process it in a separate inquiry.


Why Does Amazon Suspend Seller Accounts

Amazon is a user focused company that values its customers and would never drive them away by canceling their accounts, however, Amazon has its justifications for any suspension.

Let’s look at some reasons why Amazon suspends seller accounts to help you avoid making repeated mistakes.

  • Selling Amazon-Prohibited Products

Amazon-prohibited products are items that the marketplace policies consider too dangerous or offensive. So no seller is to list or sell them on Amazon.


Amazon Restricted Products

Examples of these product categories are;

  • IIegal and recreational drugs,
  • Alcohol,
  • Animals and products related to animals,
  • Equipment for testing drugs, delicate and unlawful medical devices, products or services,
  • Gambling & Lottery,
  • Recycling electronics,
  • Currency-related products,
  • Human Parts and Burial Artifacts,
  • Automotive and power sports,
  • Weapons and explosives,
  • Skin, hair, or cosmetic products,
  • Laser items,
  • Food & Beverages,
  • Jewelry and Precious Gems,
  • Lighting,
  • Substances and substitutes that deplete the Ozone layer (refrigerants),
  • Plant and Seed Products,
  • Pest control products,
  • Lock Picking & Theft Devices,
  • Strike anywhere matches,
  • Children’s footwear and apparel,
  • Subscriptions Periodicals, and other products that Amazon termed prohibited.


However, while there are lots of restricted products, Amazon grants some sellers prior approval to legally sell some of these products on its marketplace.

You just need to apply to sell, provide additional product information, and guarantee while listing.


  • Violating Product Applicable Laws

Even though some products are permitted on Amazon, they must comply with the laid down product policies. The links you also provide should be accurate and mainly to inform buyers.

If you at any time misrepresent your products or engage in a false advertisement, your account can be likely prone to suspension.


  • Violating The Copyright Law

Sellers who violate the copyright infringement law are most likely to be automatically suspended, and this will also bring a negative impact on their business.

Any seller can register under Amazon Brand Registry to protect their intellectual properties like your logo or trademark, or brand products.

It could be an image you want to use in your listing, you must adhere to and also identify and request copyrights to not violate other brands’ IP rights.


  • Frequent Negative Feedback And Reports

Amazon customers frequently give feedback based on their experience buying from sellers, and if they keep giving Amazon bad reports about your product, Amazon will investigate and may later suspend you. It justifies that Amazon has zero tolerance for unsafe products in their marketplace.


  • Using Multiple Accounts At A Time And False Account Information

Amazon suspends accounts for false contact information and if you use multiple accounts. Moreso, if Amazon notices that you open a new seller account after they’ve banned your old account, they are likely to suspend you again.‍

The false account information will mislead buyers and Amazon service won’t be able to reach out to you if there’s any issue with your account which can ultimately result in a suspension.


How To Reactivate An Amazon Seller Account

Reactivating your account requires you to contact Amazon customer service and writing a professional appeal after you’ve understood the reason for your suspension. Once you know the problem, it’s possible to approach the solution.

It’s the same for recovering deactivated Amazon seller account.

In your appeal letter, you will justify why your account ought to be reinstated and why you ought to go on doing business on the marketplace.

Let’s go through the process of reactivating your suspended Amazon account;

  1. Log in to your Amazon Seller Central Account
  2. Go to the performance page and select Performance Notifications
  3. Navigate to the Suspension Notice and select Appeal
  4. From there, fill out every necessary detail and wait for Amazon’s response.

It could take several days or weeks, but ensure that you’ve updated your listings to adhere to Amazon’s policies while you wait.


How To Write An Amazon Appeal

To reinstate your Amazon seller account, a well-written appeal that clearly states your intent of writing, the likely suspension cause, and how you intend to take corrective measures in the long term. Also, you can choose to write your appeal letter yourself or hire a professional to craft it.

Once your appeal letter is ready, don’t forget to provide accurate contact information and submit it for review to Amazon Seller Performance.


How Long Does It Take To Reactivate Amazon Seller Account?

Amazon does not have a specific time to reactivate a suspended seller account, however, you can get a quick reply by submitting a proper appeal. You could get a reply in 24 hours or within 7 working days or more.


Effects Of Getting Suspended On Amazon

effects of getting suspended on amazon

If you get suspended on Amazon, you will not be able to sell on the marketplace, reach your potential buyers, and thereby, you lose lots of cash inflow.

Getting suspended also renders your brand reputation, trust, and authority vulnerable. Your customers may no longer trust you as your suspension will be visible to any Amazon user searching for your products.

Amazon policies violation like selling illegal or harmful products can lead to legal correction and criminal penalties.

In addition, Amazon destroys your listings in their fulfillment centers without paying you and may permanently withhold your payments.


How To Keep Your Amazon Account From Suspension

  • Review Amazon Restricted Before Listing

Check Amazon prohibited products before listing your products to be familiar with the products you should list and those you shouldn’t.

Once you adhere to Amazon policies, you have no problem getting suspended.


  • Get Approved To Sell Required Products

You can sell some restricted products on Amazon once you request permission.

If the products are already on the Amazon database, login to your Amazon seller central account, go to the catalog, add products, check the particular item you wish to sell, select show limitations, select Apply To Sell and follow the required steps.

For items that are not Amazon, check Amazon’s categories and products that require an approval page to know where to begin. It’s based on the category to which the product item belongs.


Have an Excellent Shipment Process

If you want to keep from having your Amazon seller account disabled, excellent shipment is another must. Amazon has established rigorous norms for both shipping and patronage.

Satisfaction of the customer is their priority.

It is important to keep to the deadline for delivery when sending out packages. The Buy Box isn’t the only place where this issue comes into play.

It’s a key metric in assessing the “health” of your account. If you don’t meet Amazon’s criteria, your seller account may be canceled.

Amazon takes account of how many deliveries were late relative to the total number of deliveries in the preceding 30 days. If it reaches 4% or more, Amazon may suspend your account.



Lots of Amazon users make a living off the Amazon marketplace and once they get suspended, they become stranded not knowing how to reactivate it.

Amazon majorly suspends accounts due to sellers’ performance and customer service, violation of Amazon policies, and selling restricted products. You have to keep a good customer relationship, be up to date with Amazon policies, and stay away from prohibited products unless given access to the list.

Notwithstanding, you can reactivate your account with the right appeal, and continue listing approved products for sale to reach a wider customer base.

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