How to Create an Amazon Storefront in 2023

As it stands in 2023, e-commerce is gaining more ground. According to statistics, the number of online shoppers is estimated at 2.64 billion, a 3.1% year-over-year increase from 2022. At the top of the e-commerce world is Amazon, an online marketplace that accounts for 37.8% of the U.S. e-commerce market share followed by Walmart at 6.3 percent, Apple at 3.9%, and eBay at 3.5% according to Statista.

Undoubtedly, it’s the perfect marketplace, especially for brand-registered sellers to highlight a unique value proposition and upscale their businesses by creating their own online store.

Amazon storefront creates a shopping experience that enhances your customer acquisition process and gives more visibility to your brand.

So, what’s an Amazon storefront, and how can you set one up and manage it to increase your revenue? Let’s get right into the details!

Article Overview

What’s an Amazon Storefront?
Who Can Create an Amazon Storefront?
What’s the Amazon brand registry program?
Importance of Amazon Storefront?
How to Create an Amazon Storefront?
Countries eligible to sell on Amazon
How to Manage Your Amazon Storefront?
How To Promote Your Amazon Storefront

What’s an Amazon Storefront?

Amazon storefront is an advertising feature available for brand-registered sellers to customize their brand’s presence and display their products in a more personalized way on a dedicated store.

Simply put, it is a mini website created by sellers within the Amazon marketplace to highlight their unique brand products for sale.

What’s more, to sell a variety of products available in any country where Amazon operates, you can create multiple pages and subcategories for your products with Amazon stores.

You can use it to design your customer experience, display your various products in categories or collections, communicate your brand values to potential customers, and also promote deals.

Who Can Create an Amazon Storefront?

Any registered Amazon seller can create an online store for free, however, should meet certain eligibility requirements. Amazon requires sellers to have an active professional selling plan and participate in their Amazon brand registry program to be able to create a brand store.

Additionally, as Amazon is a customer-centric company, it’s necessary to meet Amazon’s product and service standards. A good seller performance record is also a plus.

What’s the Amazon brand registry program?

The Amazon Brand Registry program is a service Amazon offers to help brand owners protect and manage their registered trademarks on the marketplace.

It aims to give brand owners more control over their product listings and to prevent popular sales of counterfeit or infringing products.

Importance of Amazon Storefront?

Amazon storefronts is an important tool for sellers and brands on Amazon in various ways;

  • Amazon stores Increase your brand and product visibility

Amazon is a crowded marketplace with millions of sellers, however, a storefront singles out your brand display name and products from your competitors by showcasing them in a custom URL.

A well-designed Amazon brand store attracts buyers and gives them access to your best-selling products by providing a more customized and personalized shopping experience.

  • It enhances your customer experience

Amazon storefronts allow you to create curated collections of your products and promote users’ mobile experience, which gives customers a sense of happiness and convenience as they easily locate and purchase the products they want. Interestingly, you can also share your brand story for an immersive customer experience.

  • It gives you total control of their brand

Amazon brand stores gives you control over your brand identity and product listings. You can also design your storefront to reflect your brand’s logo and values, and ensure that your product information is accurate and consistent.

Moreso, you’ll be able to customize your product pictures, videos, and A+ content for more visibility and sales.

  • Having a storefront separates you from unhealthy competition

When buyers search for products on Amazon, they see several sponsored products, brands, and listings in the search result. However, with Amazon stores, you can differentiate your brand by attractively exhibiting your products with detailed information.

Also, customers will only get to see your products when they visit your store.

  • It helps sellers protect their intellectual property

With a branded store, you have control over your trademarks or other intellectual property on Amazon such as your brand logo and brand display name. You’ll also get to report any brand violations for removal.

It helps to prevent unauthorized sellers from listing counterfeit products on their storefronts.

  • Amazon stores provide you with data and insights

When running an eCommerce business, checking data helps you grow your business. As well, the Amazon store dashboard gives you insights on the total number of unique customers who viewed your store daily, during a specified time, or on average. You’ll also get to know your total sales and units sold within 14 days.

These insights will help you to make informed marketing decisions and strategies to upscale your business.

How to Create an Amazon Storefront?

  1. Register a professional seller account

To create an Amazon store, you need to have access to an active seller central account to be eligible to sell on the marketplace.

Creating an Amazon seller account is not as difficult as it seems. Here’s a step-by-step process to do that;

  • Visit to access the Amazon seller homepage
  • Click on the Register button on the right-hand side of the page.
  • Provide your business information such as your contact details, business name and email, credit card, bank account, and tax identification number.
  • Choose either a professional or individual selling plan. The individual plans cost $0.99 per item sold while a professional selling plan costs $39.99 every month. However, a professional selling plan gives sellers access to Amazon Brand Registry Program which enables them to open a storefront.
  • Afterward, finish your account setup by following the registration processes. Choose your product category, shipping method, and return policies, and once your account is verified, you can start listing your products.

Countries eligible to sell on Amazon

Amazon is present in 20 marketplaces worldwide including; the US, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Japan, India, China, Australia, Singapore, Poland, Sweden, UK, Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, and Germany.

  1. Enroll For Amazon Brand Registry Program

Once you have an active Amazon seller account, go to the Amazon brand registry homepage and register your brand.

Here are some criteria to be part of the Amazon Brand Registry;

  • Have an active seller account
  • Register your brand with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
  • Add your active registered trademark or logo to all your products to be listed
  • Have an active text or image-based trademark issued either by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) or European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). You can also have a pending trademark application filed through Amazon IP Accelerator.Further, Amazon only accepts trademarks issues in eligible countries, namely; United States, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Australia, India, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, European Union, and United Arab Emirates

Here are the steps to enroll in the Amazon Brand Registry Program,

  • Provide information about your brand, including your brand name, logo, and any trademarks or patents associated with your brand.
  • Verify your brand identity with your government-issued ID and phone number.
  • Provide proof of your trademark registration, domain name registration, your brand product categories, and other legal records that proves your brand ownership. Amazon will reach out and inquire from persons associated with your registered trademark to determine if you meet the requirements.
  • Afterward, submit the application to be reviewed. Amazon will confirm your trademark by contacting the necessary trademark office and send a code you’ll need to finally complete your registration process. It should be approved within 24 hours to over a month
  • Once approved, you’ll get a verification code to become a member of the Amazon Brand Registry program.

Brand Registry members can create a store in addition to enhanced business tools, marketing and advertising features, brand analytics, and protection against counterfeit sellers.

  1. Manage your store

Click ‘manage stores’ under the store’s section on the left-hand side of your Amazon central account homepage and ‘create store’. Here’s where the storefront creation process begins.

  1. Choose your storefront theme

Amazon provides 4 customizable themes you can choose from based on your business goals;

  • First, The Marquee— to tell a story about your brand
  • Product Highlight— to display a flagship of your products
  • Product Grid— to showcase a large number of related products in your catalog
  • Blank— to start building afresh on a blank page without prior knowledge of coding.
  1. Customize your storefront and add your products

Open the ‘store builder’ once you have chosen your desired theme. It’s time to get more creative.

Create different page sections of your products and feature the best-selling items in your mini website to highlight your products, categories, and other information to enhance your customer’s buying experience.

Moreover, add a meta description of your page to help your Amazon store rank on Google search results and enable buyers to preview your store.

Afterward, add your tile content such as text, images, videos, and products. You can either choose a grid or gallery view for your products. Importantly, follow Amazon’s creative guidelines to effectively set up your Amazon storefront.

  1. Preview Your Store

You can preview your store while setting it up either on desktop or mobile to make sure it looks promising.

During the preview, you need to check for errors in grammar and spelling, branding, product images, navigation problems, and your content tiles.

  1. Publish Your Amazon Storefront

Once you are done with your Amazon storefront setup, click ‘submit for publishing’ to make it go live. Amazon reviews for seller stores range within 24 hours or more before finally publishing to the public.

How to Manage Your Amazon Storefront?

Once you have your store set up, it’s essential to give it attention and ensure that the storefront is effective at driving sales and delivering a positive customer experience.

Here are tips to effectively manage your Amazon storefront;

  • Monitor your storefront

The available tools on Amazon stores will help you to regularly optimize and monitor your performance metrics, customer feedback, and product listings to make necessary adjustments. You’ll also get to manage order defect rates and late shipment rates.

  • Build Your Store For Easy Navigation

While creating your store under the Amazon store builder, make it simple for customers to find their way through your product categories and web pages.

  • Customize your storefront

Sellers have total control over their storefront design. You can edit your product details, create product sections, adjust pricing, and manage inventory levels.

  • Respond Quick To Customer Inquiries

Quickly responding to customers’ inquiries or questions helps to improve their overall experience when buying from you. You can access any inquiry in the “Messages” tab in the store’s navigation menu.

  • Make use of promotional tools

The use of Amazon’s promotional tools will help you drive traffic to your storefront and boost sales. It includes running sponsored ads, offering discounts and promotions.

How To Promote Your Amazon Storefront

Creating a marketing strategy to promote your Amazon store helps to build brand awareness and drive massive engagement.

Here are ways you can effectively promote your storefront;

  • Leverage sponsored campaigns to market your store to qualified customers

Amazon allows sellers to run Sponsored brand ads to promote their storefront and individual products. Sponsored Products ads appear in search results and on product detail pages, making them a great way to reach customers who are actively searching for your products.

  • Participate In Amazon Deals

Amazon Deals are time-limited promotions that offer discounts on products. When you offer product discounts, Amazon will list you in the “Deals” section, which is prominently displayed on the Amazon homepage. It’ll help to make your storefront more noticeable, attract more potential customers, and increase sales.

  • Make Use Of Social Media Networks

Social media can be a powerful tool for promoting your Amazon storefront. There are built-in social features in the Amazon storefront that make it easy to share your store on social platforms, helping you reach a wider audience.

Additionally, you can increase traffic to your storefront by using social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

  • Make Use Of Email Marketing

Email marketing offers a more personalized message to an existing customer base or prospects who are more likely to keep buying from you.

By sending out targeted email campaigns that highlight new products and promotions, you can generate more sales as your customers visit your storefront to make a purchase.

  • Run Amazon Influencer Programs

The Amazon Influencer Program helps to inspire shoppers to visit your store. Amazon allows social media influencers with a huge fan base across any category to be part of this program and earn commissions.

By partnering with influencers, you can build a unique storefront featuring the preferred Amazon products and profit from purchases made through that storefront.


Creating an Amazon storefront is a potent tool to boost sales and grow your brand on Amazon, whether you’re a new seller trying to establish your business on Amazon or a seasoned seller looking to take your sales to the next level.

It is easy to create a more engaging and tailored purchasing experience for customers using a customizable and dedicated brand destination, which can help you boost customer lifetime value and build a loyal customer base.

In addition, you’ll benefit largely from the range of tools and metrics available to formulate better business strategies, drive sales, and enhance your brand recognition.

So why wait? Start creating your branded Amazon store today with the step-by-step process you’ve learned from this article and be ready to upscale your business and generate maximum profits.

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