eBay Title Optimization Guide for 2023 [Step By Step]

eBay Title Optimization Guide for 2022 (Step By Step)

Before you can make sales on your eBay store, first you need to make it easy for potential buyers to find your products (or store).The website generates an average of $10.5 billion in revenue per year with over 5% increase on a year-to-year comparison for 2020.

This is good news for eBay sellers because this means that you have the opportunity to get a chunk of those sales for your online business. However, there are over 1 billion active listings on the site.

How do you make your ebay listing stand out?

eBay title optimization allows you to creative effective eBay listings. Mastering the art of eBay SEO to capitalize on the eBay search algorithm is the secret to good eBay product listings that convert!

In this guide, you will learn the strategies on creating the perfect eBay titles that generate sales.


Step 1: Use an eBay Title Builder Tool.

Use a Title Builder Tool

Before you learn the strategies of creating optimized product titles on eBay, first you have to find a tool that does the work for you.

ZIK Analytics is one of the best tools around to help you target the best products and find the search terms to match what your target audience are searching for.

To get started, launch the app and go to the eBay Title Builder. Prior to using this feature, make sure to adjust the setting correctly to ensure that your listing titles are targeted for your intended audience.

This nifty tool also allows you to do keyword research within the tool itself so you can add keywords that are suited for your product listings.

To start with you must input a generic keyword that will define the category of the product you are listing. The Title Builder tool will generate two sets of keywords for you to use: long-tail keywords and generic keywords.

The long-tail keywords are what you need to focus on for listing optimization since it allows you to focus on more specific items for a better match.

Meanwhile, the generic keywords consist mostly of a single word so it is more difficult to optimize for your products.

The keywords are not the only ones you should be focusing on here. The eBay Title Builder tool by ZIK Analytics also provides useful metrics for each of these keywords: the average searches, competition, and sales.

You need to focus on the competition and the sales for a results-driven approach to optimizing the product titles on eBay. The sales metrics will tell you that buyers who are searching for these products on eBay ended up completing the buying journey.


Step 2: Use the right keywords.

Choose the correct Keywords

Choosing the right keywords can spell the difference between getting more views on your listings versus increasing your conversion rate.

As mentioned above, you can use the ZIK Analytics tool to conduct keyword research that will enable you to identify the best keywords to use on your optimized titles. However, the right keywords are the ones that will bring in the sales.

So, how does this work?

First, you need to put yourself in the shoes of the buyers. Most eBay buyers will put in a generic keyword on the eBay search bar and the search engine will scour the eBay product listings to find the best match for that keyword.

eBay’s search engine also gives buyers the option to perform an Advanced Search. This search function not only allows the buyer to specify the category of the product they are looking for, but also other details such as the color, size, and the condition of the products.

Many savvy eBay buyers use this search function to find exactly what they are looking for and filter through the non-relevant search results.

This is an important detail to consider when optimizing titles for eBay search results. You have to target your listing title to reflect the item specifics rather than settling for the bare minimum.

For example, instead of writing your eBay title as “women’s sweater”, you have to incorporate the main keyword and other relevant information and keywords.

Therefore, you can increase conversions if your optimized title shows up in the search results. A good example of an optimized title is: “Women’s Green Plus Size Knit Sweater”.

In comparison to the above title, your listing will appear in more relevant searches for anyone looking specifically for a green sweater, a plus size sweater, or a knit sweater.


Step 3: Check out your competitors.

Check out your competitors

Doing a competitive analysis is also a good way to optimize your product titles for eBay’s search engine.

You can look at how your competitors write their product titles so you can have a better idea on what to incorporate into your products for improved conversion. This is a good approach to use when your competitors are generating more sales for the same product.

If you don’t have a particular competitor in mind, you can do a quick search on eBay for your targeted keywords.

Check out the top products that show up on the search results. Examine closely their eBay SEO strategy for writing their titles and listing descriptions.


Step 4: Optimize and avoid keyword stuffing.

Don't Keyword Stuff

As per eBay rules, you can use up to 80 characters on the product titles for eBay sellers. Since you have a limited amount of space to work with, it is important that you choose your relevant keywords carefully.

The way you use those keywords will also spell the difference in your ability to attract more buyers.

Using the strategy recommended above, pick out the top keywords that you can add to the listing title. Make sure those keywords are descriptive enough so that the buyers will be able to know what products you have to offer.

Make it concise but informative.

Keyword stuffing should be avoided at all times. Just because you can use up to 80 characters for your eBay titles does not mean that you should stuff every keyword you can fit in there.

Keyword stuffing is one of the worst things you can do to your eBay SEO strategy. If you do that, it can cause the customer satisfaction level to drop significantly because the text makes it difficult for the buyers to read.

Stuffing keywords can also raise red flags and result in poor rankings on the eBay search engine.

The eBay rules state that you must only use up to 7% in keyword density. Even if you are optimizing your eBay titles, your goal should be to make it easy for human readers to understand.

Pick out only the most important keywords to improve your rankings on eBay’s search results.


Step 5: Use the keywords to optimize product listings titles and descriptions.

Optimize your Title and Descriptions

The use of keywords is not only limited to the eBay title. It is important to use the keywords on the listing descriptions, as well.

The eBay search algorithm follows a structured data that analyzes the information provided in the item category, item description, item specifics, and the identifiers.

Therefore, it is important to optimize all aspects of your listings and not just your titles. The detailed information you provide will be evaluated by the search engines and your rankings will be determined accordingly.

Aside from the descriptions, you must also add high quality images (or video, if necessary) to your listings. According to eBay reports, an eBay listing that comes with high quality photos will be selling five times more than those without.

You can upload up to 12 high quality images to go with your eBay listing. This is a great opportunity to showcase the products you are selling from every angle to make it more appealing to your buyers.

Make sure to include close-up images of your products, too.

You should also add unique identifiers to your eBay listing whenever applicable. Unique identifiers are unique codes such as a model number, ISBNs, MPN, or UPCs.

You don’t need to add this to the eBay title; the listing description will do. Using identifiers for your eBay title listing and product description is important because it helps your buyers authenticate the product before the buy it.

These identifiers help ensure that they have chosen the product they are looking for. It is a minor detail that you can add to your eBay product listings but it can have a significant impact to the sales performance.



There is a lot of potential for sales if you start an eBay online business. However, you must acknowledge that there is a stiff level of competition for your target audience.

Creating eBay titles that are optimized with relevant keywords will help put your products on top of eBay’s search engines. Employing keyword tools and title builders can help you create a good eBay listing that puts your items in front of other stores that sell the same product.

Remember to study the best practices for selling on eBay, especially with the selection of important keywords and knowing the right way to use those keywords. If you haven’t considered listing optimization as part of your strategy for selling on eBay, now is the perfect time to get started.

It might as well be what you need to get more sales to your sellers account on eBay.

The good thing about increasing conversions from your ebay listings is that the more sales you can generate, the higher your products are going to get ranked. The eBay algorithm also puts relevance to the amount of engagement that eBay listings get.

Therefore, the more action is taken on certain eBay titles and product listings, the more positive the feedback you can get for those listings. It triggers a continued cycle of growth for your online business.


FAQs on Optimizing eBay Titles

How do I optimize my eBay listing title?

There are several factors to create optimized titles for your product listings on eBay. It starts with keyword research.

You must identify the most popular keywords for the product you want to target and the keywords that buyers use to search for similar items. Make sure to incorporate those keywords into the listing title to make it easy for people to find them on the eBay search engines.

If possible, include a subtitle to provide supporting keywords to your eBay listing. Other strategies to boost listing optimization would be to use alt tags, use high quality images, and add alt text to images.


How does SEO work for eBay?

Search engine optimization also works for your eBay store and you need to get familiar with it to increase your product listings exposure.

The eBay search engines work like any other search engines that match keywords used on searches to match that with relevant listings.

Therefore, you need to maximize your use of keywords in the listing title, listing descriptions, and alt tags.


How do I increase my eBay conversion rate?

Optimized title and listings help your products get in front of other sellers so you can make more sales. However, creating optimized listings is just one aspect of it. There are other factors that help boost your conversion rate on eBay.

Make sure you conduct split tests to see what types of product listings are most effective at boosting conversion rates. You can also offer regular promotions on your online business.

Promotions and discounts encourage your buyers to spend more money on your shop. You can offer them a discount code or offer free shipping, as long as they are within your profit margin.

You can also opt for sponsored eBay listings. You will make an investment but it can be leveraged as it puts your products and store in front of more potential buyers.


What is the best time to list on eBay?

Timing your listing is also critical in making more sales for your online business. If you want to increase your conversion rate, make sure to list your items on your eBay store between 8 PM and 1 AM Eastern time.

This time frame represents the peak of daily traffic on the eBay site.

Meanwhile, Sunday evenings also are a good time to add your product listings on eBay. When you list your products during these times, it will significantly boost your conversion rate on the website.


What’s a good sales conversion rate on eBay?

There is no definitive guide on the best conversion rate for eBay sellers as it varies from one industry to another.

However, most sellers would tell you that a good conversion rate sits between 2-5%. A small rise in that percentage rate can mean a significant boost to your overall sales performance on eBay.


Can you use hashtags in eBay listings?

The use of hashtags won’t affect the popularity of your eBay listings. Focus on using keywords as part of your search engine optimization on eBay.

However, you can use relevant hashtags if you wish to promote your eBay listing to Twitter so you can tap into a wider audience and boost your eBay SEO performance.

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